People who are assigned to the Super Admin or Admin roles have permission to change what groups they and other members of your Team are in. The person who created the team initially is automatically made a Super Admin. Super Admins are the only people who can assign admin roles to other team members. In the Members & Invites category, you can see what group each user is in and assign them to a different group. Users may be assigned to multiple groups at a time.
Create group
To create a group, on the Group Management tab, click 'New Group'.
Connection permissions within groups
When you create or edit your group, you can choose to disable the ability for group members to connect with each other. For example, you might want to disable this if you're inviting external people into a new group for a play-test event. Disabling this setting would prevent those invitees from connecting to each other.
You may also control the visibility of these computers with three levels of granularity.
- Show/hide teams computers assigned to the group (recommended visibility)
- Show/hide teams computers assigned to members of the group (more visibility)
- Show/hide any member’s computer in the group (most visibility, use with caution)
Disabling any of the above toggles hides those specific computers so they are not listed in group member hosts lists inside their native Parsec apps.
Connection permissions between groups
You can allow members of two groups to initiate connections between each other. The group that can initiate an outgoing request is able to connect to team computers that are part of the other group. They are also able to visit a link that the other group creates and ask the host to allow them to connect to their computer.
In this case, the "Artists" group can make a request to connect to the "Developers" group for some real-time collaboration.
Now that the outgoing permission is saved for the Artists group, the Developers group will now show that members of the Developers group can accept incoming requests from the Artists group.
When members of the Artists group log into the Parsec app, they will also be able to see and connect to any team computers that are assigned to the Developers group.
⚠️ Caution: Where is my host when viewing the Parsec app? |
Can’t find a specific host that should be listed? Below are common scenarios that might cause host computers in a group to appear hidden to team members:
Deleting a group
When you delete a group, it does not remove the users in that group from your Team. When the group is deleted, users whose only group assignment was to the deleted group will not be assigned to any groups. Users who were assigned to multiple groups will be removed from the deleted group but will remain in all of their other groups. Follow the steps below to delete a group:
- From the Group Management tab, select the group that you would like to delete.
- Click the 'Edit' tab.
- Click 'Delete Group'.
- Click 'Yes, Delete'.
Group based app settings
In May 2022, App Rules replaced group-specific app settings. Previously-existing group-specific settings had a corresponding ruleset created and assigned to members retroactively. For more information, please see the App Rules article.
Create group specific administrator
It is possible to delegate group specific administration by leveraging Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Please note this feature requires Parsec for Teams Enterprise licensing. Follow the steps below to create a role to administer specific groups. A group specific role can only be created for one group at a time. If there are multiple groups that need specific administrators, multiple roles will need to be created. Follow the steps below to create a group specific administrator role.
- From the 'Admin Roles' tab, click 'New Role'.
- Provide a name for the group specific administrator role.
- Select the 'Group' radio button.
- Select a group.
- Choose an identifier color for the role. (optional)
- Click 'Create New Role'.
A real world example
If your goal is to have people outside of your company connect to a specific set of computers inside your office for user research, play-testing, or anything else, you might want to set up your groups like this:
- Create an External User group
- Create a User Research Lab group
- Assign members to the External User group from outside of your company
- Turn off the ability to connect within the group
- Allow the External User group to make an outgoing connection request to the User Research Lab group
- Set up users on each of the User Research Lab computers and assign them to the User Research Lab group
- When it's time for the UX research, the External User group will be able to request to connect to the computers that the User Research Lab group have logged into.