App Rules enable Parsec for Teams administrators to configure and assign settings to specific users and computers. App Rules can be batch assigned through the admin dashboard or assigned through the Teams API for increased flexibility. Each Team has a 'Default' ruleset which can be modified, but not deleted. If a team member or computer is not assigned a custom ruleset, the 'Default' ruleset is applied. Team administrators with 'Manage Custom Rulesets' permission can create custom rulesets. Custom rulesets can be configured to only override specific settings, the rest are inherited from the 'Default' ruleset.
To modify the 'Default' ruleset, administrators need 'Edit Default Ruleset Settings' permission. Only 'Super Admin' users can change security settings.
Available Settings
The following settings can be configured per ruleset:
App Feature Settings
- Show Friends
- Watermark Stream
- Allow Copy and Paste
- Host Privacy Mode
- Host Virtual Monitors
- Constant FPS
- Try Preview Builds
- Use H.265
- Set Audio Codec
- Bandwidth Limit
- Quality
Network Settings
- Use Team Websocket
- High Performance Relay Server Settings:
- High Performance Relay Server Addresses
- Multiple relay selection preferences
Security Settings
- Lock Desktop
- Kick All Guests on Owner Disconnect
- Prevent Connections when Privacy Mode isn’t Working
- Daisy-Chaining (Multi-Hop)
- Host Idle Kick Time
- Enforce SAML
- Enforce Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- Enforce IP Address Verification
- Client Session Duration
Other Settings
- Allow override of Team Computer Ruleset
- Allow Logout on Team Computers
Possible Values
Each app rule has a specific input method that matches what’s available for the end user native app. Admins have access to an additional “Use App Setting” value that lets end user apps override what’s configured in the app rule they’re assigned to.
Create Ruleset
To create a new ruleset, administrators need 'Manage Custom Rulesets' permission.
- On the App Rules tab, click 'Create New Ruleset'
- Provide a name for the ruleset
- Click 'Create Ruleset'
- Configure settings appropriate for expected security and use case, then save changes.
Assign Rulesets
Rulesets can be assigned from the 'App Rules', 'Members & Invites', 'Group Management', or 'Team Computers' tabs, during an invite, or during installation. A user or computer can only have one ruleset assigned at a time. In most cases rulesets assigned to computers override rulesets assigned to users. For example, if a ruleset assigned to a user has watermarking disabled but the same user connects to a computer that has watermarking enabled via app rules, the stream will be watermarked.
In the case where a user elevates their assigned host computer to client mode, the ruleset applied may change. By default, a computer's ruleset is always maintained regardless of whether it is in host or client mode. However, you can toggle on the below setting in the App Rules so that the user's rules are allowed to override the computer's rules. In this instance, a user elevating their host to a client will cause the user's assigned ruleset to be applied.
App Rule Hierarchy
The below diagram shows examples of which ruleset will be applied based on whether the host has been elevated as a client and if the "Allow Override of Team Computer Ruleset" is toggled on or off.
App Rules Tab
Rulesets can be assigned to team members or computers under the 'Assigned Members' or 'Assigned Computers' tabs.
Members & Invites Tab
App rules can be assigned by clicking the 'Ruleset' dropdown next to the corresponding user, then clicking the appropriate ruleset. Administrators need 'Assign Team Members to Rulesets' to assign rulesets to team members.
Alternatively, a ruleset can be assigned when creating an invite to your Parsec for Teams tenant. If a custom ruleset is not selected when creating an invite, the 'Default' ruleset is applied.
Group Management Tab
Administrators have the option of applying rulesets to all or only selected members of a group. Group specific settings applied prior to general availability of App Rules will have a corresponding ruleset created and applied to group members automatically.
Team Computers Tab
Team computers can have rulesets assigned to them. Rulesets applied to a Team computer take precedence over rulesets applied to users.
During Installation
Parsec administrators may choose to assign a ruleset to a Team computer during installation. The Parsec application installer supports a 'team_app_rule_id' parameter to enforce an app rule on first launch, simplifying computer based ruleset management.
./parsec_windows.exe /silent /shared /team_id=my_team_id /team_computer_key=team_computer_key /team_app_rule_id=app_rule_id /team_group_id=group_id
Delete Ruleset
To delete a ruleset, select the ruleset and scroll to the bottom. Click 'Delete Ruleset'. Team members and computers will revert back to the 'Default' ruleset if their assigned ruleset is deleted. Administrators need 'Manage Custom Rulesets' permission to delete rulesets.