In certain scenarios people may need access to the login screen of the host computer, a common example being after a reboot. To access the login screen on a macOS host you will need to use a different installer and ensure a few requirements are met.
- Ensure your computer meets minimum system requirements
- Ensure you are using a hardwired (ethernet) internet connection
- Ensure FileVault is disabled
Installation and Setup
Download the installer
- Please note this is a different installer than the one available on
- Follow the installation steps from 'Install Parsec on macOS'
Uninstalling the app
To uninstall the login screen version of the app:
- Run this command in the terminal:
launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/
- Drag the Parsec app in your Applications folder into the trash, and empty the trash to ensure macOS does not link to Parsec even while in the trash
If you ever change your mind and want to reinstall the version for login screen access, it'll be necessary to use the following command, in addition to re-running the installer: launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/
- Without running this command, Parsec will not correctly start in the login screen, or automatically reopen after crashes.