A seat represents one license for an individual in your company, group, or organization to make connections.
Purchasing Seats
You purchase your first set of seats when you sign up for a trial.
Once active, more seats may be purchased or some seats removed by using the dashboard after your trial begins.
A minimum of 5 seats is required for a team.
Increasing Seats
To add seats to your subscription, increment the counter to the desired amount above your current number of seats.
Notice that the numbers on the right update to reflect your anticipated changes in baseline subscription price (before taxes, discounts, or other fees).
After you’ve reached the desired number of seats, click the “Review Changes” button to confirm your updates and purchase the additional seats.
Seat additions take effect immediately.
Decreasing Seats
To remove seats from your subscription, decrement the counter to the desired amount below your current number of seats.
Notice that the numbers on the right update to reflect your anticipated changes in baseline subscription price (before taxes, discounts, or other fees).
After you’ve reached the desired number of seats, click the “Review Changes” button to confirm your updates to lower your renewal price.
Seat reductions are scheduled to take effect on your next renewal date.
⚠️ FAQ: Seat Decreases & Extra Users |
Q: I've reduced my seats, will I lose those seats immediately? No. If you've decreased your seats, you may continue to use your existing seats until the end of your current renewal period. Changes will take place at the start of your next renewal period. You will not lose those seats immediately. Q: What happens to extra users that are still assigned? Let's say, by your next renewal, you still have those extra users assigned or unaccepted pending invites. Parsec will automatically remove users with the oldest invites, followed by removing users with the oldest last connection date (excluding super admins) in that order, until you reach your new limit. Q: How do I found those auto-removed users and add them back? If you’d like to see the pending list of users that will be removed, you may download it from one of the following three locations (fig. 1, fig. 2, fig. 3 below). If you wish to re-add these removed members, you must free up additional licenses first before re-adding them to the team. fig. 1: Download pending users, “Products & Subscriptions” (active subscription) fig. 2: Download list of users that are pending removal, "Product & Subscriptions" page (in trial) fig. 3: Download pending users, “Members & Invites” page (active subscription) |