The advanced settings are available through configuration files on both the host and the client, and allows for some settings not shown via the application itself. Before changing these though, try the more basic settings provided in the application. If you have trouble with lag or latency, troubleshoot what's causing it before tweaking anything.
Table of contents
Where to alter these settings
Advanced settings file (config.txt and .json)
Parsec for Teams configuration precedence
Settings available to everyone
Warp and Teams settings
Enterprise settings
Where to alter these settings
Advanced settings file (config.txt and .json)
Read this separate article on finding the advanced settings. Note that you must fully restart Parsec for changes in the file to apply.
New config.json file: Starting in Parsec version 150-89, Parsec will move any advanced configurations from config.txt to config.json. You can still add your configuration options to config.txt, and Parsec will move them to config.json, for backwards compatibility. Learn more.
Parsec for Teams configuration precedence
For Teams customers, there are multiple places where settings can be added. Parsec's configuration precedence is as follows:
- Parsec for Teams Admin Panel Group-Overrides
- Parsec for Teams Admin Panel Global Configuration
- Local Windows registry entries
- Local Parsec config.txt and config.json file
Settings available to everyone
These settings can be altered regardless of the type of account you have.
Client (for when you're connecting to someone)
VSync | client_vsync=1 |
Use VSync while connected. VSync increases latency, but eliminates screen tearing. On some Intel decoders, you can actually turn this option off and continue to play without tearing. Use 1 for VSync (default), or 0 for turning it off. | |
Window Mode | client_windowed=0 |
Run the Parsec application in windowed mode while connected. Set this to 0 for fullscreen (default), or 1 for windowed mode. | |
Automatically Open Additional Screens | client_automatic_displays=false |
On connection, Parsec will automatically connect to all screens that are present on the host, up to a total of 3. Set to true to enable, or false to disable (default). | |
Overlay | client_overlay=1 |
Display the Parsec overlay button in the top-left while connected. Set this to 1 for displaying it (default), or 0 for hiding it. | |
Swap Command and Ctrl for macOS | client_macos_key_swap=true |
When connecting to a macOS host from a non-macOS client, or connecting to a Windows host from a macOS client, swap the functionality of the Ctrl and Command/Windows keys for easier hotkey actions. Set this to true (default) to enable or false to disable. | |
Overlay Warnings | client_overlay_warnings=1 |
Display network and hardware performance warnings in the client overlay. Set this to 1 for displaying it (default), or 0 for hiding it. | |
Decoder | decoder_software=0 |
Use software decoding while connected to someone. Software decoding is much slower, but can be useful for compatibility reasons if you lack a hardware decoder. Set this to 0 for faster hardware decoding (default), or 1 for software decoding. | |
H.265 | client_decoder_h265=1 |
Attempt to stream using the H.265 video codec while connected to someone, falling back to H.264 if any of the computers don't support it or any of the clients don't have this setting enabled. Set this to 1 for trying H.265 (default), or 0 for H.264. | |
Renderer | client_renderer=3 |
The renderer to use for the Parsec application itself. There's OpenGL (0; for Linux), Metal (1; for macOS), Direct3D 9 (2; no longer available), Direct3D 11 (3; for Windows), Direct3D 12 Beta (4; for Windows), and Experimental Vulkan (5; for Windows and Linux). By default, Windows uses Direct3D 11, Mac uses Metal, and Linux uses OpenGL. | |
HID Mode (macOS only) | app_hid_keyboard=true |
Use lower level capture method for keyboard input. This requires you to enable the Accessibility permission in your macOS settings. Set true to enable (default), or false to disable. | |
Immersive Mode | client_immersive=0 |
Use immersive mode by default while connected to someone, which allows you pass keys like Alt+Tab and Windows+R to the host, and locks your mouse to the Parsec window. There's disabled (0), both (1), keyboard (2) and mouse (3). The default is 0 for disabled. | |
Microphone Passthrough (Windows/macOS only) | client_mic_passthrough=false |
Send microphone to the host on an owner connection. Parsec will use the default system microphone, unless you alter which microphone Parsec uses in-app via the settings page. Set to false to disable (default), or true to enable. Learn more. | |
10-Bit Color | client_decoder_10bit=false |
Attempt to stream using high bit depth (10-bit). This allows for minimally better color accuracy at the cost of latency and network bandwidth. This setting will only be effective when HEVC is enabled. Turning this on may ignore the Decoder setting. Set to true to enable, or false to disable (default). | |
New UI Preview (Windows/macOS only, not available for Teams customers) | client_web_ui=false |
Switch to our new web based UI, which includes dark/light mode. This UI may have some bugs or features missing vs our existing user interface, but you can switch back at any time. Set to true to enable, or false to disable (default). | |
Zero Copy (Windows only) | client_zero_copy=false |
Attempt to keep decoder output in video memory, from where it is rendered, for increased performance. Currently this only works with D3D11 rendering. Set to true to enable, or false to disable (default). | |
Network Client Port | network_client_start_port=0 |
You can use this to manually tweak the UDP port used while connecting to someone, useful in case you want to manually forward the port on your router. You should use a value between 1025 and 65534, or leave it at 0 for a pseudorandom number (default). | |
Audio Buffer |
client_audio_min_buffer_ms=50 client_audio_max_buffer_ms=100
Controls the audio delay while connecting to someone, and it's the number of frames of video it's delayed. Our default minimum value is half of the max value. Increasing the max value increases the buffer/delay on the audio but resolves some issues with audio breaking up or crackling. This is measured in milliseconds. |
Host (for when you're hosting a session to someone)
Hosting Enabled | app_host=1 |
Allow connections to this computer. Set to 1 to enable and 0 to disable. This is enabled by default on Windows, and disabled by default on macOS. Note macOS hosting needs certain permissions to work, and toggling this setting alone is not enough to host. | |
Host Name | host_name=COMPUTER_NAME |
Your computer's name, which will be shown to others in Parsec. Use underscores instead of spaces. By default this is empty and the name given by your system is shown. | |
Stay Awake (macOS only) | host_prevent_sleep=true |
Prevent the system from sleeping while hosting is enabled. This allows network access so the host remains available. Set to false to disable (default), or true to enable. | |
Resolution (Windows only) |
server_resolution_x=0 server_resolution_y=0
The resolution this computer will change to when you join your own computer. The resolution must be supported by Windows and be 4K or lower, otherwise it will fail. Set both to 65535 to not change the host's resolution, or set both to 0 to use the client's resolution (default). | |
Orientation (Windows only) | host_rotated=false |
Selects whether the monitor should be rotated or not. Set to true for portrait orientation or false (default) for landscape. | |
Bandwidth Limit | encoder_bitrate=10 |
The maximum amount of bandwidth Parsec will use while streaming video to everyone connected to this computer. By default this is 10. | |
Lock Desktop | host_lock_desktop=false |
If the first connecting guest is the owner, lock the desktop on the last guest's disconnection. Set to true to enable or false (default) to disable. | |
Kick All Guests On Owner Disconnect | host_protective_mode=false |
Kick non-owner guests when the last owner disconnects. WARNING: non-owner guests that can connect without approval will be able to reconnect. Set to true to enable or false (default) to disable. | |
Fallback To Virtual Display (Windows only) | host_virtual_monitor_fallback=true |
Adds a single virtual display if no other displays are present. This feature requires the Parsec Virtual Display Driver, downloadable below this setting in the Parsec interface. Set to true to enable (default) or false to disable. | |
FPS (Windows only) | encoder_fps=60 |
The stream's frames per second. If you join your own computer, this will also try to change the display's refresh rate to match. Setting this above 60 may cause instability in some devices. By default this is 60. | |
Block Daisy-Chaining | app_daisychaining=1 |
Prevents this machine from simultaneously acting as a host and a client. This prevents connections to other hosts while guests are connected. Set to 2 to block, 1 to allow only on owner connections (default), or 0 to allow all guests. | |
Idle Kick Timer | host_idle_kick_time=0 |
The number of minutes after which an idle client is kicked. Idle time is the time since the last button, keyboard, or pen input. Set to 0 to turn off completely (default). | |
Exclusive Input Mode (Windows only) | host_exclusive_input=0 |
Allow only one guest to control the mouse at a time. The host will always be able to take control from the guests by moving their mouse. Use 1 to enable, or 0 to disable (default). | |
Echo Cancelling (Windows only) | host_audio_cancel=1 |
Prevent echo from using Discord on this computer. Use 1 for the "Legacy" option (default), 2 for the "New" option (requires Windows 10 21H1 or newer, requires you to set the chatting app that will be excluded with the echo_app_selection setting), or 0 to disable. Learn more. |
Echo Selection (Windows only) | echo_app_selection=discord.exe |
The selected app to be excluded from the client audio. Requires the "New" echo cancelling option (see the host_audio_cancel setting description). Although the actual Parsec app only shows a handful of chatting apps, you can use this advanced config for a custom executable name. |
Virtual Microphone (Windows only) | host_virtual_microphone=1 |
Creates a virtual microphone device which can be used in combination with a client microphone for basic microphone passthrough. This feature requires that the guest have microphone passthrough enabled, and requires the Parsec VUSB driver, downloadable below this setting in the Parsec interface. Set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable such that a microphone is created when an owner joins this computer (default), and 2 to make a persistent microphone that is not removed after disconnecting (useful for some setups that rely on a stable audio device configuration). Learn more. | |
Parsec Virtual USB Gamepads (Beta, Windows only) | host_gamepad_mode=0 |
Use our new Parsec VUSB driver for guest's gamepads. If VUSB cannot be found, ViGEm will be used automatically. Set to 0 (default) for the new VUSB driver, or 1 for the ViGEm driver. | |
Virtual Gamepad Type (Windows only) | host_gamepad_type=1 |
The virtual gamepad type assigned to guests when connected. Set this to 1 for Xbox 360 (default, most compatible with games), 2 for Dualshock 4, or 3 for Dualsense. Learn more about the details for each controller type | |
Virtual Mouse (Windows only) | host_virtual_mouse=1 |
Creates a virtual mouse on owner connection, so the mouse cursor remains visible even if no physical mouse is plugged in. This mouse is a dummy device that does not generate input. This feature requires the Parsec VUSB driver, downloadable below this setting in the Parsec interface. Set to 1 to enable (default) or 0 to disable. | |
Quality (Windows only) | encoder_min_qp=5 |
The maximum quality of the video stream (a lower value means higher). Limiting the maximum quality can smooth out network performance. May cause performance issues if set lower than 5. In the Parsec interface, 5 represents "Lowest Latency" (default), 0 represents "Balanced", and 64 is a special value that represents "Highest Quality" and is equivalent to 0 but also enables multi-pass encoding. | |
Approved Apps (Windows only) | host_require_whitelist=0 |
Use Approved Apps. This only impacts guests, and causes Parsec to freeze the screen as well as any guest inputs when a non-approved application is in focus. Use 0 to disable (default), or 1 to enable. Learn more. | |
Network Host Start Port | network_server_start_port=0 |
You can use this to manually tweak the UDP port used when you are going to host, useful in case you want to manually forward the port on your router. If you for example use port 8000 as the starting port, if 4 people were to connect to this host, then 4 ports starting from 8000 would be used (in this case, 8000 to 8003). Make sure to forward all those additional ports if you expect multiple people to join. You should use a value between 1025 and 65534, or leave it at 0 for a pseudorandom number (default). | |
Congestion Algorithm | network_cg_level=1 |
Behavior when network conditions deteriorate or increasing bitrate begins getting throttled. Don't change this unless you're having network problems. Use 1 for the new sensitive setting (default), 2 for new relaxed, or 0 to test the old algorithm. | |
Mute Speakers | server_admin_mute=1 |
Mute this computer's speakers when you join your own computer. This does not apply when a regular guest is joining. Use 1 to mute (default), or 0 to not mute. This setting is applicable to Windows hosts. It is also applicable to macOS 13 (Ventura) hosts starting with Parsec build 150-88, if using 'Default (Capture Kit)' as the Audio setting. | |
Maximum Client Amount | server_max_clients=20 |
The maximum number of people that can connect to this computer. Keep in mind when changing this that your bandwidth is split between the people connected, so 30mbps for 5 people would mean each person has 6mbps, which is not a lot for fast action games. By default this is 20. | |
Constant FPS | host_full_fps=false |
Attempt to always stream at the full frame rate of the stream. May improve quality on the desktop after the screen goes static. This should be disabled for games running in full screen mode. Set this to false to disable (default), or true to enable. |
New UI (experimental, macOS only) | client_web_ui=false |
This is only available for Warp and Free users. Switch to our brand spanking new UI. CAUTION! This is currently deep in development so it is not feature complete. Would you be extra awesome and take the extra step of reporting any bugs to us, too? | |
Audio Codec | network_raw_audio=0 |
Select which audio codec is used on the stream. Set this to 0 to use Opus for high quality compressed audio (default) or set this to 1 for uncompressed audio when quality is important and host bandwidth is not limited. Both codecs use 48.000kHz/2-channel audio. Both the host and all connected clients must change this value to 1 for uncompressed to be used, otherwise it defaults to Opus. | |
Disable copy and paste | app_copy_paste=false |
Prevent users copying and pasting text between the guest and host on owner connections. Use true to allow (default), or false to disallow. | |
Turn off crash handler (Windows/macOS only) | app_no_crashhandler=false |
On Windows and macOS, stops Parsec from trying to clean things up when it detects a crash. This is most useful for macOS machines when Parsec crashes but you don't see any logs generated that can be used for troubleshooting. Set to false to run the crash handler normally (default), or true to turn it off. | |
Logging level | app_log_level=1 |
This sets the level of logging that is shown in Help > Console, and the log.txt file in Help > Log File. By default this is 1, but it can be increased to 3, to show additional information useful for troubleshooting things like network errors (-6023). Note that increased logging may result in worse performance, so remember to set back to the default value after troubleshooting. | |
Write minidump (Windows only) | app_write_minidump=false |
Whether the app tries to generate a dump file when it crashes, which can be used for investigating the issue. The dump will be in %programdata%\ParsecPersistent\parsec.dmp . Note that in some cases, Microsoft may add dump files to %localappdata%\CrashDumps regardless of this setting's use. Set to true to try to generate a dump file, or false to disable (default). |
Warp and Teams settings
These settings are for Parsec Warp and Teams.
Client (for when you're connecting to someone)
Enhanced Pen | client_enhanced_pen=1 |
Enable enhanced pen functionality while connected, such as tilt, rotation, and pressure. This will enable Windows Ink mode on the host. Use 1 to enable (default), or 0 to disable. Learn more. | |
Prefer 4:4:4 Color | client_decoder_444=false |
Try to use full color (no chroma subsampling). This improves color quality but will use the CPU to decode. Leave this off if having problems at high resolutions. Use false to disable (default), or true to enable. Learn more. |
Host (for when you're hosting a session to someone)
Virtual Displays (Beta) | host_virtual_monitors=0 |
How many additional virtual displays to use during owner connections. This feature requires the Parsec Virtual Display Driver. Set this to 0 for no displays (default), 1 for a single display, or 2 for two displays. Learn more. | |
Privacy Mode | host_privacy_mode=0 |
Shut off all physical displays while virtual monitors are enabled and someone is connected to this computer. The computer will be automatically locked after the last guest disconnects. This feature requires the Parsec Virtual Display Driver and at least one virtual display enabled. Set this to 0 to disable (default), or 1 to enable. Learn more. | |
Virtual Tablet (Beta, Windows only) | host_virtual_tablet=false |
Creates a virtual Wacom Intuos Pro (M) device which can be used in combination with a 2017 (or later) Wacom Tablet, when connecting from a Windows client. This feature replaces Windows Ink pen injection and simulates a native Wacom tablet experience. This feature requires the Parsec VUSB driver, downloadable below this setting in the Parsec interface. Set this to false (default) to disable the virtual tablet, or true to enable it. Learn more. |
Show Friends | app_friends=1 |
Show the Friends icon in the Parsec menu. This does not disable the functionality at an account level, but rather just hides it from the interface. Set this to 1 to show Friends, or 0 to hide. | |
Use app-level HTTP proxy | app_proxy=1 |
Enable app-level proxy. Value of 0 is disabled. Value of 1 is enabled. When configured, this proxy will be used for all requests made to Parsec’s HTTP and WebSocket APIs. | |
HTTP proxy server address | app_proxy_address=some_hostname or IP |
HTTP proxy server hostname or IP address | |
HTTP proxy server port | app_proxy_port=8443 |
HTTP proxy server port. This is optional. If not included, default will be port 443. | |
HTTP proxy server path | app_proxy_path=/somePath |
HTTP proxy path parameter. This is optional. Must contain leading forward slash - "/". | |
HTTP proxy server scheme | app_proxy_scheme=https |
http or https proxy. | |
Watermark Stream | app_watermark=My_cool_watermark |
Sets the text displayed on the bottom-left corner when someone joins this computer, or at the top-left when this computer joins another computer. Whitespace is not supported, use dash or underscore instead. By default this is empty and no watermark is shown. |
Enterprise settings
These settings are for Parsec for Teams customers under an Enterprise account.
Host Relay IP Addresses | app_stun_address=IP@PORT,IP@PORT |
As an alternative to configuring hosts to leverage the relay via the Teams App Rules page, the relay server address may be manually specified in the configuration file. This specifies an address for the host machine to connect via the high performance relay that relays many simultaneous Parsec connections through a single host address/port configuration. If more than one address is provided, those addresses will be used at random until a connection is made or all connections on provided addresses fail. Format IP@PORT,IP@PORT. Learn more. |
Client Relay IP Addresses | app_client_stun_address=IP@PORT,IP@PORT |
As an alternative to configuring clients to leverage the relay via the Teams App Rules page, the relay server address may be manually specified in the configuration file. This specifies an address for the client machine to connect via the high performance relay that relays many simultaneous Parsec connections through a single host address/port configuration. If more than one address is provided, those addresses will be used at random until a connection is made or all connections on provided addresses fail. Format IP@PORT,IP@PORT. Learn more. |
Force Relay (WAN or LAN) | app_force_relay=1 |
Parsec's default connection negotiation behavior can result in a successful P2P connection without using the relay if the host peer has outbound UDP connectivity to the internet and the client peer's router/firewall supports UPnP or UDP hole punching. Force relay disables this behavior and forces all P2P traffic over the relay. This should only be set on the host. | |
Force Relay (force WAN only) | app_force_relay=2 |
Like the above, but will allow the host to accept connections from either the relay (WAN) or directly via LAN. This should only be set on the host. | |
Use Latency To Determine Relay Selection | network_fast_relay_ping=true |
When more than one High Performance Relay is specified, Parsec will attempt to signal all Relays at once, and use the first Relay that replies. When this setting is disabled, Parsec will choose the Relay on a randomized basis. Set to true to enable or false to disable. |